Welcome to Becherov

Becherov is unique town. It has it's name after the liquor that is being produced there. But let's face it - Karlovy Vary are simply more famous. The factory in Becherov is looking for a skilled driver that will have to deal with a lot of tasks. It is simply up to you how well you can handle the tough working conditions. The key to success in various missions is in mastering all sorts of vehicles, precision in driving, good perception and at last but not least in perfect orientation in the complicated traffic net of this small city. It is only up to you to be able to work yourself up from a plain co-driver to even.... but we would give away from the story a bit too much here. We wish you a pleasant spiced up game!

Available cars:

1. Before the first ride

Choose your identity:
The Becherov game works with player profiles and it automatically saves the position within the profile after each completed mission. Settings of the profile will automatically launch itself before you start the actual game. When starting the game for the first time you will be asked to create a new profile by choosing a name and identity. Afterwards you can create up to 20 different profiles, for example for your friends or for other yourselves... Before entering the game you will choose the profile you want to play with.

Tips for the start

Look at the city map thoroughly (in game Tab key). When watching the game time is stopped, so you can use it anytime and long. The city is quite dense and maybe you'll be lost for a while. Read the mission briefings carefully, it may prove to be worthy. During the missions when you carry a cargo, this will start to take damage when your car damage goes over 50%. You can drive to the service and repair your car there.

2. Controls

Moving in menu
move up/downarrow Up/Down
change valuearrow Left/Right
Driving controls
acceleratearrow Up
brake / reversearrow Down or Space
left / rightarrow Left/Right
hornLeft CTRL
swith camera viewsC
map on/offTab
minimap on/offShift + Tab
display menuEsc
Using gas stations and services
The active buildings are marked with rotating cube with symbol and glow underneath. If you wish to tank gas or have your car fixed, drive in the circle, stop and press Enter to get in the menu. Then use Left/Right arrows to tank or repair car. Mind that both actions take certain time just like in real!
Game screen

Player`s Icon
Target indicator cíle
Cargo damage
Mission targets: completed / total

3. City map

Press Tab key to view the map anytime in the game.
Player`s position is indicated by the pulsing circle: .
The position of mission target(s) is indicated by rotating target cross: .
When viewing the map, the game is paused, including running time limits.
city map
Important places
1Central Park
city center, orientation point
2Hotel Becher Crown
VIPs stay there, partyplace
3South station
you will pick up some guests or materials there from time to time
4Ice Hockey hall
hockey is being played there
5North station
... just like South station
international delivery of goods and passangers
Becherovka house
factories and headqarters of the company you are working for
a store of the stores, you will buy things there as well as deliver
gas station
you must get some fuel for your cars ...
car service
you can get your car fixed there
...just like other hospitals

4. System requirements

Minimum configuration
CPUIntel Celeron 300 MHz
graphic card16 MB RAM at least
disc space100 MB
operational systemMicrosoft Windows 98*
Recommended configuration
CPUIntel Pentium IV, AMD Athlon
graphic cardnVidia GeForce 2 and newer, 32 MB RAM
disc space100 MB
operational systemMicrosoft Windows 2000 nebo XP
sound card 
* The game requires an OpenGL library, which should be included on your system. In case of problems we recommend to get latest drivers for your graphics card. For more info on OpenGL see www.opengl.org.

5. Credits

Made by Inputwish © 2004. The game is distributes under freeware license, as installation executable and only Inputwish remains stated as author.

These people have participated in the development:
(in alphabetical order)

Libor Čapák
3D game engine
Lukáš Duffek
game programming
Radka Kožíšková
game art
Vladislav Oupický
game design, graphics design

Special thanks to:

6. Contacts

Inputwish: http://www.inputwish.com | info@inputwish.com
Game website: http://becherov.inputwish.com